IBC UPDATE: New ANSI A326.3-2021 standard for slip resistance confirmed
to be referenced in the 2024 IBC revision and new chapters listed below
E3-21IBC: 1003.4, 1003.4.1 (New), ANSI Chapter 35 (New) [IFC: [BE]1003.4, 1003.4.1 (New), ANSI Chapter 80 (New)]
Proponents: Bill Griese, Tile Council of North America, representing Tile Council of North America (bgriese@tileusa.com); Scott Conwell, International Masonry Institute, representing International Masonry Institute
2021 International Building Code
Revise (for 2024) as follows:
1003.4 Slip-resistant surface. Circulation paths of the means of egress shall have a slip-resistant surface and be securely attached.
Add new text as follows:
1003.4.1 Hard surface flooring. Slip-resistant ceramic tile, terrazzo, natural stone, and polished concrete flooring used in circulation paths of the means of egress shall be specified in accordance with ANSI A326.3. Conformance to ANSI A326.3 shall be indicated on product packaging, within product literature, within the construction documents, or by measurement per ANSI A326.3 after flooring installation.
Add new standard(s) as follows: ANSI
American National Standards Institute 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor New York NY 10036
ANSI American National Standard Test Method for A326.3-2017 Measuring Dynamic Coefficient of Friction of Hard
Surface Flooring Materials
Reason: Currently, Section 1003.4 requires that circulation path surfaces of the means of egress be “slip-resistant,” but no method of measurement, quantitative threshold, nor general principles to help the specifier, end-user and code official are provided. Given the Code’s lack of criteria for the term “slip-resistant,” materials are sometimes inappropriately specified causing accidents to occur in circulation paths of the means of egress. This can be especially dangerous for emergency responders who are entering a building for the first time, potentially under conditions with water and limited visibility (smoke).
The purpose of this revision is to provide slip resistance criteria for hard surface flooring used in circulation paths of the means of egress. The reference national standard, ANSI A326.3, sets forth a quantitative minimum threshold, means of measurement, and general principles regarding slip resistance for hard surface flooring and is widely specified for ceramic tile, polished concrete, terrazzo, and natural stone. This would provide clarity, safety, and transparency with no increased cost of construction.
This proposal is being submitted by Tile Council of North America (TCNA) and the International Masonry Institute (IMI), with the support of many other organizations.
Previously, slip resistance for ceramic tile was standardized solely by ANSI A137.1 American National Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile. In 2012, a proposal (S222-12) was approved which removed ANSI A137.1 from Section 2103 of the Code (previously, Section 2103.6) in an effort to consolidate masonry-based specification references. An unintended consequence of this change was that the Code was subsequently left with no slip resistance criteria for ceramic tile, much less stone, terrazzo, or concrete.
In 2015, a proposal (E3-15) was made to reintroduce the slip resistance provisions of ANSI A137.1 into the Code. Given that these provisions were being widely adopted and specified for flooring types beyond just ceramic tile, the scope of the proposal included other hard surface flooring types with the support of each respective industry. The proposal was met with positive feedback from the Means of Egress Committee, but was ultimately disapproved since the proposed reference standard was limited to ceramic tile. At the time, the Committee encouraged the proponents to collaborate on a stand-alone slip resistance specification which covered all hard surface flooring types and return in 2018 with a proposal.
The work suggested by the Committee in 2015 was completed for all hard surface flooring and standardized in ANSI A326.3, which includes standard test sample size and methodologies for laboratory and field conditions. This standard is widely understood for hard surface flooring and specified throughout the architectural community with hard surface manufacturers/suppliers/installers regularly providing the information needed by code officials as part of standard product submittals and information. In 2018, a proposal (E2-18) was made to revise Section 1003.4 to reference ANSI A326.3 for slip-resistant hard surface flooring, to clear-up ambiguity around the requirement for “slip-resistant” circulation path surfaces, facilitate increased safety and ease-of-specification, and codify the slip resistance standard which is most predominately used today for hard surface flooring. Again, the proposal was met with positive feedback but disapproved based on the following concerns primarily raised by the Committee: 1) lack of description regarding types of “hard surfaces” encompassed by the proposal, and 2) uncertainty regarding mechanisms for conformance communication, especially where product packaging or literature has been discarded or where flooring has been manufactured in situ.
The current 2021 proposal for the 2023 IBC addresses the 2018 Committee’s primary concerns by: 1) directly stating “ceramic tile, terrazzo, natural stone, and polished concrete” as the types of hard surface flooring to which the proposal applies—these are the four flooring types for which there is broad industry adoption of ANSI A326.3, and 2) clarifying where conformance to ANSI A326.3 is indicated—on product packaging, within product literature, within project documentation, or per field measurement.
ANSI ASC A108, the committee which developed ANSI A326.3, represents a broad range of stakeholders, including the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Natural Stone Institute (NSI), National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB), Underwriter Laboratories (UL), National Terrazzo & Mosaic Association (NTMA), National Tile Contractors Association (NTCA), Tile Council of North America (TCNA), and 57 additional stakeholders (for a total of 64).
A copy of ANSI A326.3 has been attached to this proposal and is also easily accessible online for free via www.TCNAtile.com.
Bibliography: [TCNA Tile Initiative] [Research Supporting an American National Standard for Slip Resistance] [Eric Astrachan] [2016] [Pages 2 - 9] [http://www.tcnatile.com/images/pdfs/ Rsch_suptng_ANSI_std_slip_resist_TCNA_TI_Mar-2016.pdf]
[Slip and Fall Study Report: Enhancing Floor Safety Through Slip Resistance Testing, Maintenance Protocols and Risk Awareness] [CNA Financial Corporation] [2017]
[http://www.tcnatile.com/images/pdfs/ CNA_Risk_Control_Slip_and_Fall_Report_Final.pdf]
Cost Impact: The code change proposal will not increase or decrease the cost of construction
Hard surface flooring that meets or exceeds the criteria specified in the ANSI A326.3 standard is not different in price from hard surface flooring that is below the threshold criteria.
Staff Analysis: A review of the standard proposed for inclusion in the code, ANSI A326.3-17, with regard to the ICC criteria for referenced standards (Section 3.6 of CP#28) will be posted on the ICC website on or before March 20, 2021.l