(Includes Locker Rooms and Showers within the facility)
306.2 - Slip resistant. Decks, ramps, coping, and similar step surfaces shall be slip resistant and cleanable. Special features in or decks such as markers, brand insignias, and similar materials shall be slip resistant.
324.2 - Requirements. The equipment area or room floor shall be of concrete or other suitable material having a smooth slip resistant finish and have positive drainage, including a sump drain pump, if necessary. Floors shall have a slope toward the floor drain or sump drain pump adequate to prevent standing water at all times. The opening to the equipment room or area shall be designed to provide access for all anticipated equipment. At least one hose bib with back-flow preventer shall be located in the equipment room or be accessible within an adequate distance of the equipment room so that a hose can service the entire room.
402.4 Slip resistance. Diving equipment shall have slip resistant walking surfaces.
406.5 Deck covering. Walking surfaces of decks within 4 feet (1219 mm) of a pool or spa shall be slip resistant
406.8.3 Tread surface. Diving equipment shall have slip resistant tread surfaces.
409.2.6 Horizontal markers. Horizontal depth markers shall be slip resistant.
411.1.6 Treads. Treads shall have slip resistant surfaces.
411.2.5 Outlined edges. The leading horizontal and vertical edges of stair treads shall be outlined with slip resistant contrasting tile or other permanent marking of not less than 1 inch (25.4 mm) and not greater than 2 inches (50.8 mm).
The ANSI defined A326.3 national standard for slip resistance measurement is currently referenced and required by IAPMO’s 2021 Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa, & Hot Tub Code and is confirmed to be referenced in the International Code Council’s International Swimming Pool & Spa Code beginning in 2024
Pool and Spa facilities are now categorized as Interior, Wet Plus, or Exterior, Wet Plus environments and are required to be slip resistant and maintain a 0.50 (interior) or 0.55 (exterior) level of DCOF (Dynamic Coefficient of Friction) as per the ANSI defined A326.3 national consensus standard for slip resistance measurement.
These new minimum slip resistant standards are required code compliance by all public pool, spa and hot tub surfaces including all walking surfaces, depth markers and walkable coping. Facilities that must be compliant include commercial businesses, governmental facilities, town, city or village operated locations, schools, hotels, gyms, multi-unit dwellings, hospitals, fitness centers, rehab facilities, assisted living facilities, college and university campuses and include both indoor indoor and outdoor pools and spas.
SPECIAL NOTE: These new walkway and floor slip resistance minimums also apply to locker rooms and showers.
We also offer low cost treatments to bring your facility compliance up-to-date in above mentioned areas. Contact us now for your on-site compliance measurement and verification report.